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'Revealing the Hidden Power of Numbers'

Video Training Suite
Are you ready to really "know thyself"...and understand why your friends and family act the way they do?
I've added 45 images below in 6 sections which all link to corresponding YouTube training videos. Just click on the images of the video you wish to see.
Section 1 ~ The basics of numerology
What is Numerology
The Benefits of Numerology
The Energetic Meaning of Numbers 1 - 9
The Numerological Value of Each Letter of the Alphabet
Section 2 ~ The 12 life path numbers and their characteristics
How to Work Out Your Life Path Number?
Characteristics of a Life Path 4 - The Dedicated Worker
Characteristics of a Life Path 8 - The Business Minded Leader
Characteristics of a Life Path 1 - The Independent Individual
Characteristics of a Life Path 5 - The Freedom Loving Adventurer
Characteristics of a Life Path 9 - The Compassionate Humanitarian
Characteristics of a Life Path 2 - The Cooperative Peacemaker
Characteristics of a Life Path 6 - The Responsible Caregiver
Characteristics of a Life Path Master Number 11 – The Intuitive Healer
Characteristics of a Life Path 3 - The Self-Expressive Creative
Characteristics of a Life Path 7 - The Truth Seeker
Characteristics of a Life Path Master Number 22 – The Master Builder
Characteristics of a Life Path Master Number 33 –The Kindness Ambassador
Section 3 ~ The 11 birthday numbers and their characteristics
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 1 - (all those born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 5 - (all those born on 5th, 14th or 23rd)
Characteristics of a birthday number 9 - (all those born on the 9th, 18th & 27th)
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 2 - (all those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th)
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 6 - (all those born on 6th, 15th or 24th)
Characteristics of a birthday number 11 - (just those born on the 11th of the month)
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 3 - (all those born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th).
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 7 - (all those born on 7th, 16th & 25th)
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 22 - (just those born on the 22nd of the month)
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 4 - (all those born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st)
Characteristics of a Birthday Number 8 - (all those born on 8th, 17th or 26th)
Section 4 ~ The 9 Name (expression) numbers and their characteristics
How to Work Out Your Name (aka Expression) Number!
Name (aka Expression) Number 4 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 8 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 1 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 5 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 9 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 2 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 6 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 3 Characteristics
Name (aka Expression) Number 7 Characteristics
Section 5 ~ Miscellaneous but interesting stuff...
Letter K Characteristics - 2nd most powerful letter of the alphabet.
Letter V Characteristics - The most powerful letter of the alphabet!
Letter R Characteristics - Do you have one or more in your name?
Romantic & Friendship Compatibility - Are You a Natural Match?
Angel Numbers - Do you see repeating numbers, 111, 222, 777 etc?
Lucky Numbers - We all have our own individual set!
Section 6 ~ Numerology fun 😊
How to Impress a Woman (Genius Numerological Formula!)
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