'Revealing the Hidden Power of Numbers'

“Absolutely mind-blowing, everything was so accurate, WOW!!”
Some feedback from our numerology customers…
Can’t believe how accurate is was! Will be thinking about this foe days!!
“Have no words, spot on. Enjoyed it so much and super amazed at your work. Much love + light.”
“I loved every minute of the four of us around that table! I am now a big fan of numerology & would happily have sat there all day!”
“Absolutely amazing how much my DOB + name can reveal and proved to be accurate. Blown away.”
“The reading by Stephen was very surprising in a nice way, loved the feedback on my number 3. The reading gave me insight on feelings I have had a very long time. Found it emotional. Thank you, Stephen and David and thank you for your time.”
“Thank you for my reading it was unbelievably accurate and me down to a ‘T’ 😊.”
Some feedback from our friends & colleagues in the Mind, Body & Spirit industry…
Katt Lawrence
Healer - Artist - Shamanic Energy Worker - Channeller - Biker & Free Spirit
(our favourite testimonial 😊)
“These guys are Shit hot – OMG they’re AMAZING – very very impressed, Thank you!”
Katharine Wroe
Aquarius Therapies/Art - Vibrational and Colour Healing and Counselling Master Practitioner and Spiritually Guided Artist.
“Stephen and David attended our MBS Show in Tewkesbury and the feedback I received was fantastic. It seems that numbers can explain why you are who you are, who to stay away from and what will pan out in your life! These guys are professionals, and it's great to have them join us at the Shows.”
Julie Fenn
Deer Spirit Events/Reiki Master Teacher
“We met David and Stephen the numerological experts about 18 months ago now and they were as intrigued with us as they were with us...Stephen gave us a reading and quote unquote Stephen he said he had never met two people more alike than me and my wife.
I explained it's why I chose to marry her just over ten years ago now because she was the only soul I had ever met who reminded me most of me!! Stephen's knowledge of the number personality types is the stuff of legend there is not a soul out there who knows the numbers better than Stephen and is more accurate in his readings!
The fact Stephen works with spirit I am sure aids his readings but only Stephen will be able to confirm that...the uniqueness in Stephen and David's work is in their ability to quickly piece together a plan of action...Stephen gave me a reading and advised working in the north west of England if I wanted to find happiness and success and low and behold here I am today experiencing happiness and success working in the north west of England!!
Stephen and David work together like automated clockwork with laser precision in their work together and offer a service that will literally bring clarity to your work, career, relationships with an attention to detail that beggars belief in its detail. If you choose to have a reading with Stephen it's game over for excuses about not attending to any unresolved issues you have been procrastinating about for too long.
David and Stephen thank you so much for helping me decide upon a few things I needed to put to bed for good Heyoka Dave xxx
David Ian Rogers
Shamanic Heyoka Empathic Healer
Clearing trauma’s and self-defeating thought patterns in one session.
07792 345655

More feedback from our numerology customers....
“So very very accurate, quite amazing, made a lot of things clear and makes sense.”
“I have been blown away with my reading today, it was 1000% down to a ‘T’ thank you so much 😊.”
“Two of my numbers that Stephen gave me are tattooed on my partners arm! I was gobsmacked!”
“Very good reading, spot on, was amazed at what I learned. Great guys very enjoyable.”
“I had the privilege of meeting both Stephen and David last year at a spiritual fair. The information I received absolutely blew me away, I learnt so much about myself through the power of numbers. Both Stephen and David are very knowledgeable, and I know they are continually growing their own skills. I know this because I have seen them both on many occasions and I was very great full last December when Stephen gave me a unique healing gift. Keep up the good work guys, I think your both amazing love julie x.”