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Are you ready to PARTY???
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Numerology & Mediumship Private Parties 😊


Do you fancy hosting an evening of numbers, laughter and

spiritual enlightenment?

You just invite your friends and family to your home and myself, my spirit

guides and David will bring the party to you.

Our private parties are a novel way to learn about the hidden knowledge in

everyone’s name and date of birth and who they used to be (in a previous life)

as we throw in a load of psychic stuff too.

With your hosting skills, a little bit of food and drink (that’s up to you) and

me/my guides knowledge, we’ll have a nice informal and relaxed evening

filled with entertainment, fun and laughter.

As it’s a private party where the majority of guests are likely to know each

other, we can (if you desire it) venture into the adult numerology pack and

share some saucy secrets, as believe it or not, numerology even contains

information on peoples sex lives!

Here’s the details;


The Party Format

Numerology (1st half);

  • Initially, I’ll do a numerology presentation that will explain what it’s all about and go through all the key traits of everybody’s significant numbers. This usually takes 45 - 60 minutes.

  • I’ll then individually reveal everybody’s natural strengths and any challenges (aka arrows) which will be followed a general numerology Q & A.

  • We’ll then hand out everybody’s personal advanced numerology reports which we’ll prepare prior to the party, and answer questions.

    …after refilling the glasses and a short break

Mediumship (2nd half);

  • I’ll begin with my spiritual journey, so everyone understands how I became a spiritual medium and then explain who my guides are, in particularly Qual who will be providing the past life information for everyone.

  • I’ll then go around the room in turn and give everybody a past life reading (n.b. anybody who doesn’t want to share can have it in private later on). I’ll also relay any individual messages from spirit as appropriate.

  • We’ll then finish with a general mediumship Q & A with myself and Qual.

Guest Package

Every guest (including host) will receive;

  • An advanced personalised numerology report ~ valued at £14.95

  • A guide to numerology workbook ~ valued at £11.99

  • Prosperity bonus – “How to Attract Money with Numerology” ~ priceless!

Party Fees

Basic fee is £220.00 for up to 11 guests (plus host)

For additional guests, add £20 per guest.

If your location is outside a 55-mile radius of Doncaster, there will be an additional fee (based on 0.50p per mile) to cover travel expenses.

Host bonus pack

As the host does all the hard work in organising the event, they'll also receive the;

  • Personalised yearly report

  • Relationship compatibility report (can be gifted)

  • One-hour personal consultation with me (any service - can be gifted)

Other key info

Duration – typically 3 hours, dependent on the number of questions asked.

Start time – ideally 6.30pm arrival for 7pm start for evening events.

Availability – Thursday, Friday or Saturday evenings (may consider Saturday daytime).

Minimum number of guests (including host) - 6

Maximum number of guests (including host) - 22

Preparation - we’ll require everybody’s full name and date of birth in advance to prepare the personalised reports for the night. Any latecomers can have their reports created after the party and emailed on.

In summary

Our aim is to provide an entertaining and informative, fun filled evening where everybody receives a lot of verbal pertinent information about themselves along with a valuable personalised package to take home.

We’ll leave it entirely up to you as the host as to how you want to split any costs with your guests to cover the fee and any refreshments. Refreshments are completely up to you, all me and David ask for is a cup of tea and maybe a slice of cake 😊!

If you would like to book a party, please complete and submit the form below

With love & blessings


Numerology & Mediumship Party Request
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