'Revealing the Hidden Power of Numbers'
Further Numerology Resources for You...
Thank you for coming to see us, here's a couple of useful guides and the offer of some discounted advanced personal readings if you would like to know thyself on a deeper level.
With love & blessings,
Stephen & David
1. Numerology Educational Guide
Grab your copy of our detailed 29-page numerology educational guide.
This will give you a broader understanding of numerology and really help you to know
thyself at a deeper level.
Using the various charts, you can effectively become a mini numerologist and have
some fun with your friends & family and realise why they act the way they do 😊.
Just click here or on the image for immediate access, we sincerely hope you get lots of value from it.
2. Prosperity Bonus Guide
Are you ready to attract more money into your life?
These 5 simple steps (will take you minutes) and corresponding mindset around money
will help you attract more abundance into your life.
Myself and David practise these steps, if you see us at shows, feel free to put us on the spot and ask to see our wallets and phones to prove we're using them.
Feel free to pass this on to your friends & family but only if you want them to have more abundance 😉.
Click here or on the image for immediate access, we sincerely hope you implement these steps as soon as possible and start receiving lots more abundance.
3. Discounted ~ Advanced Personal Reports (our show offer)
If you would like to go deeper and have us create some advanced personal reports for you, we'll create them at a discounted price under our show offer, which is extended to everyone who has a show reading with us or comes to one of our talks.
Click on each title below to see the full details of what you get which each one, plus you can view my own set of personal reports as real samples:
Personalised Numerology Report
Relationship Compatibility Report
The show offer prices are as follows;
Any 1 (of the 3) report for £10.00
Any 2 reports for £15.00
All 3 reports for £20.00
If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please complete the form with your personal details (step 1) and then send us the appropriate payment through the payment button below (step 2) and we'll create them for you.
Here are the guidance notes to help you fill in your details but don't worry if you're not sure, just enter what you think is correct and we'll double check via email before creating them for you if there's any doubt.
Step 2.
Please make the appropriate payment from the dropdown options below;